Visual Studio Code
1.1. Settings
It's easy to enhance Visual Studio Code with quality of life improvements in Visual Studio Code without any extensions to begin with! As the IDE with a JSON-like settings formatting, you can quickly type in your preferences without having to search for them in a standard GUI.
When you start out with the IDE settings, you receive two empty { } brackets. In here, you can simply format settings by going with the "name": "value" format.
Settings use a combination of dots and camelCase to spell out toggles you can set up.
Auto save files on switching between files or windows.
Auto save files on switching windows on your operation system.
true (default)
Hide the minimap, giving more breathing room for your code
Wrap words to disable vertical scrolling for better usability.
Allows you to use Emmet auto completion in some special situations where it'd be disabled by standard.
alt (default)
the standard keybind as seen in PhpStorm.
Changes the keybind to ctrl (Windows) or command (macOS) as seen in Brackets.
1.2. Extensions
1.2.1. General
General extensions to improve the workflow of Code and add features missing from PhpStorm. Apache Conf
This extension adds useful syntax highlighting for Apache files - like .htaccess for example. Auto Close Tag
Adds the functionality to auto close both HTML and XMl tags while working without Emmett. Auto Rename Tag
Do you remember the times your layout or code broke because you updated the opening tag, but forgot to update the closing tags? With the auto renaming tag you can add this missing functionality from PhpStorm over into Visual Studio Code! Auto Comment Blocks
This plugin adds the PhpStorm functionality of automatically creating comment blocks. By writing /**
Visual Studio Code will create a comment block, adding asteriks to each line. Better Comments
By using the Better Comments plugin you can add styles to your comment lines. This can be easily done by annotating, which directly visualizes each comment line to help in managing your code. Cdnjs
Stop wasting time searching the internet for your required CDNs. Quickly search and insert (javascript) libraries from popular CDNs with the command palette. Code Spell Checker
The Code Spell Checker can add spelling and grammar control to the editor. This extension also works great with camelCase for detecting different words joined together.
By standard, this extension supports English for proofreading your code, to build upon this, the developer has also released child extensions extending the module with other languages. Docker
The Docker extension from Microsoft adds a new UI to the Activity Bar of Visual Studio Code. Through this interface you can easily manage Docker images and containers and more. Check the extension in the Visual Studio Code Marketplace! Live Server
Live Server adds the Brackets-like live previewing to Visual Studio Code. Support for live previewing works out of the box post-installation by using the go live button in the task bar inside the editor. Material Icon Theme
With the Material Icon Theme, you can add stylized icons to not only improve the designs of existing icons, but also add a completely new set for folders. This improves readability and recognizability for the names we use for structuring folders.
This list includes, but is not limited, to lib, images, js, ... Paste and Indent
Moving code blocks in Visual Studio Code doesn't always work very pretty. Especially while copy-pasting blocks of code the indenting might go completely wrong. This plugin automatically formats your code after doing a copy paste in most used development languages, so you don't need to worry yourself about keeping the indents clean. VS Live Share
This extension allows you to easily collaborate with colleagues on projects and group works. After installing the extension, two or more users can simultaneously develop on the same codebase, while not leaving their own workspace. This can especially be useful for helping each other out!
1.2.2. Git gitignore
This extension allows you to directly pull premade .gitignore templates from a public library. In the library you can find premades for most languages and libraries, including Wordpress, Drupal, Node and many more! gitflow
This extension provides integration and support for gitflow in visual studio code. No need to work in your terminal to setup your features and releases.
1.2.3. GitHub Pull Requests
Github Pull Requests is an official extension made by Github for managing pull requests within Visual Studio Code. GitLens
GitLens literally super charges the Git capabilities of Visual Studio Code. You'll get inline commit messages, quickly gain insights to code changes inside your repositories and more. It even comes with integrations for other extensions, like Live Share! Gitlink
Supporting GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket, Gitlink quickly allows you to track files online at the prefered version control system.
1.2.4. Markdown Auto-Open Markdown
In our programming classes our teachers always emphasize that "a good developer is a lazy one". With this extension, you can save one additional click while working on Markdown files by auto opening the preview on the side in Visual Studio Code. Markdown PDF
This handy extension lets you quickly convert markdown files to PDF files within Visual Studio Code. Markdown TOC
To add more structure to .md files you can use this table of contents extension. Quickly add and update sections in templates and automatically add an interactive table of contents. Markdownlint
Another linter to assist you with writing stronger quality of code. This linter will output problems with the markdown to the problems tab view in the Terminal of Visual Studio Code.
In most cases you can automatically fix issues and read learn more about the guidelines through included links.
1.2.5. PHP Composer
Composer makes it possible to run PHP Composer commands through the Command Pallet from Visual Studio Code. PHP Debug
After installing and configuring XDebug on your device it will be possible to debug PHP in Visual Studio Code. To configure XDebug on your development machines the official XDebug wizard can offer some great help! PHP Getters & Setters
Kickstart your OOP programming in PHP by instantly generating your getters and setters for your classes. Be advised to use this extension after learning the basics from OOP and Getters & Setters so you can write and understand the code yourself. PHP Intelephense
While searching for PHP extensions, the first plugin you'll likely stumble upon will most likely be PHP Intellisense. In my experience, however, PHP Intellisense seems to be working slower, and less effectively in larger PHP projects - like a Laravel workspace for example.
Intelephense will reliably offer camelCase proof code suggestions across codebases, auto add PHP imports, fast symbol finding, advanced code formatting and more.
It is recommended to disable basic suggestions to prevent duplicate suggestions after installing this plugin. PHP IntelliSense for CodeIgniter
This extension dynamically adds IntelliSense for CodeIgniter by detecting the system
folder in your project. After installation Visual Studio Code returns code completion for all the models and classes present in your code.
1.2.6. Laravel Laravel Artisan
With Laravel Artisan you can easily run artisan commands from the command palette in Visual Studio Code. Laravel Blade Spacer
While writing Laravel Blade templates this extension will automatically add spaces to your markers. Laravel 5 Snippets
This extension helps you to write Laravel code faster. It automatically completes syntax to write routes, views and more. Laravel Blade Snippets
When writing code for views in the Blade template language for Laravel, this extension allows you to work faster because its autocompletion. Laravel goto view
This extension updates the view() function in Laravel workspaces with a link to get to the related view file faster. Laravel-goto-controller
When using a controller in Laravel, this extension allows you to click on the controller to directly navigate to it's file.
1.2.7. NodeJS
Pug is the HTML render standard for ExpressJS. With the following extensions you can increase your workflow with writing your template files. Heroku-cli
Quickly get your logs and check the status of online Heroku apps without leaving the editor. After installing the Heroku CLI to the OS of your choice, it will be possible to run heroku commands from the included terminal in Visual Studio Code. html2jade
You might be aware of the online html2jade tool to instantly convert your HTML markup into Pug. However, you can take it to the next step by installing this plugin, allowing you to directly convert Html to Pug from within the editor. Pug beautify
Pug beautify allows you to clean up your Pug and automatically format resulting in cleaner codes. Puglint
To help understanding pug and producing better coding standards, puglint will help you with writing qualitative Pug templates.
1.2.8. ASP.NET ASP.NET Helper
This extension adds IntelliSense to your ASP.NET projects. C
Allows you to write C# code faster by adding Syntax Highlighting, IntelliSense and more to your project.
1.2.9. HTML / CSS / SCSS Autoprefixer
Tired of manually checking for browser backwards compatibility? Or do you want to ensure you're not forgetting any special prefixes in your CSS markup? Go and give the autoprefixer module a try!
By opening the Code's built in command prompt you'll be able to use a flexible ui to automatically insert your prefixes. This extensions also works well in combination with Mixins. HTMLHint
HTMLHint is an interesting extension to help as well with the quality of your code. This time your HTML markup shall be validated for various quality checks.
This extension uses the NPM package with the same name. This can be either a locally installed package for the project or a global installation. If neither are found, an embedded version to the extension will be used.
SCSS Formatter
Allows to quickly re-format SCSS syntax through the command pallette. Stylelint
Stylelint automatically validates your CSS markup on the go while coding. It automatically outputs problems and hints to improve quality to the panel of Visual Studio Code.
1.2.10. VueJS Vetur
Vetur is a must-have for anyone working with VueJS inside Visual Studio Code. The Extension adds auto-completion, syntax highlighting, linting and more. The developer behind Vetur even made a great documentation for working with the extension. Check it out!
Last updated